Feeling in Between

2 min readApr 30, 2021

I was just laying in my bed and about to sleep when this thought comes to my mind, “wow, tonight, I feel something was pounding in my chest”, and I knew it was adrenaline hormone, because of my overthinking ‘bout some of the things. “But wait, why do I also feel quite calm and comfortable tonight?” which was the opposite of what I just said.

Actually, I don’t understand, and that’s why I think I have to write it down here, I felt like I have to write these issues here as well so that I can remember what I have going through (because why not).

In fact, in this past month, I feel very blessed. One by one the good things come to me, what I am most grateful for is the existence of good people around me, and my chance to enjoy those times with them. I feel like I can breathe the air I am grateful for every Pascal.

Although there isn’t a day without feeling afraid of the bad things that might arise from time to time, and gave me the shock of a nightmare that came true, well, I’m really trying to get used to that feeling, however, pain demands to be felt.

:) fav movie

I hope that I can feel this calm atmosphere for a long time.

To be able to always accept my situation however it is. To be able to see the good in every event, and be grateful for it. To be able to always see that there are so many good people around me. To be able to always remember that there is a God who really takes care of me.

And of course, to always be present, to learn from the past, and not worry too much about the future. To accept that I don’t have to be perfect. Do not look to hate or hurt, being at peace with myself.




Kata dan Rasa tak semua dapat terucap, namun setidaknya sanggup dituliskan